Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Silence really is Golden

My time here at Omega really is flying by and we are all feeling it and trying to hang-on to every moment!  I will be heading out on Monday, October 8 to Virginia Beach to visit my brother and look forward to that.

I know most of you won't believe this, but I spent 3-1/2 days in total silence - not speaking or being spoken to!  Adyashanti was here for a 7-day silent retreat and his was the only retreat going on during that time so they had asked that the Omega staff be very quiet during that time period to help the participants have a much fuller experience.  I decided that I would join them for as many days as I could with my work schedule.  It was quite an experience and I so enjoyed the quiet and peacefulness of the campus.  There were over 500 people on campus when combining staff and participants and no one spoke.  It made our beautiful grounds even more beautiful without noise and mindless chatter.

Meal times were really fun to watch as people walked in silently,  got their food, ate and left without a  sound.  I so wanted to have a video camera on the ceiling so we could watch it again.  With my job in Reception I got to talk with many people on their way home and hear about their experience.  It was all very positive.  You really learn a lot about yourself.  If you would like to know more about Adyashanti you can checkout his website at www.adyashanti.org.  

Now we are back to normal and realize how much we missed the sound of laughter!  Breakfast continues to be my favorite meal here, not just because of the food, but the conversation.  We are such an eclectic group and it is wonderful to hear the interesting conversations that flow first thing each day.  I usually get there first and stay as long as I can.  This morning I was late because it was raining quite hard and I had the day off so thought I would eat later in the cafe.  Instead, I did make it there in the final half hour and they wondered what had happened to me and were trying to decide who was going to my tent to make sure I was O.K.   That is what is special about living in a community!

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Once in a Blue Moon!

Sorry for the long delay in my updates.  Life has a funny way of catching us unaware.  I was on a good exercise program here with my long walks around the lake and climbing all the hills, plus yoga & strength training down by the lake.  It really felt good and I was glad to have finally worked off all the bread, cheese & wine that I consumed in France.  One moment I was reading & relaxing in a hammock down by the lake and the next moment I was crashing to the ground.  I'm fine with the exception of a bone fracture in my foot, which has prevented me from continuing my fitness program.  Life is full of surprises!  It has taught me to enjoy the downtime while icing my foot.  Also, how to accept the kindness of my fellow "Omegans".

It is such a delight to be here in this third work period (August 13-October 7).  The workshops are quite different with the Ecstatic Chant weekend and then Adyashanti's 7-night silent retreat among many others.  I'm loving the changing weather with the cooler nights & lovely sunny warm days.  As always, I continue to learn more about things I had never heard of before finding Omega.  Went to my first Kirtan, which is a musical chant that we can participate in or not.  We had a week long workshop with Bobby McFerrin of "Don't Worry, Be Happy" fame.  The participants who came for this workshop were some of the most delightful that I have had the pleasure of meeting.  I hope to someday attend this workshop.  They did a concert for the whole campus and we were all thrilled to be there.

On my day off the end of August I went into NYC with my friend, Judy.  She had never been there so it was fun for me to play tour guide.  We took the metro into Grand Central and then explored Chelsea, Greenwich Village, & South Street Seaport before stopping at Fraunces' Tavern for a cocktail.  Then to Oyster Bar for some clam chowder before catching the train back.  It was a fun-packed day and we can't wait to go again.  Next time we will explore the more northern neighborhoods.

Kim & John finally found time to come for a visit and that was wonderful and relaxing for all.  I was even able to get a cabin for them so they didn't have the "tent" experience.  Our weather was perfect and the moon was almost full by the time they left.  Speaking of this 8/31 full moon - I'm sure you all know this was a Blue Moon!  (Two full moons in the same month)  August was the only month this occurred in 2012 and it won't happen again until 2015!

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

"Face Your Fears & Do It Anyway"

This quote kept running through my mind after I last updated this blog.  I had agreed to speak before the Omega staff at a mandatory meeting about my experience at the Brian Weiss workshop last year.  When I said "yes", it was to be held in a small building on campus and I figured only a few people would attend.  As things go, everything changed  - the meeting was moved to the biggest building on campus and I would be speaking into a microphone and I would go first!!!  I kept trying not to think about it before hand, hah!  Somehow I managed not to faint & luckily had some good friends sitting in the audience so I could focus on them.   I got some positive feedback and was so happy to have conquered that fear.

Following that experience, I was chosen to participate in a trapeze class here on campus.  There is a professional trapeze company who come here every year and hold workshops for a few weeks.  Then to give back to our community, they do a drawing to let some staff members have the opportunity to try out the sport of trapeze.   They have found how amazing the transformations are as people climb the ladder to face their fears and swing through the air.  I had always said I wanted to try it, but was a bit afraid.  Well, here I was again facing my fears!  It was a Tuesday night and I had been the microphone runner for Brian Weiss' workshop all afternoon, which was great because I couldn't think about flying through the air.   After a very light dinner, we all met under the big-top and got our instructions.  My heart was beating so fast, but I just kept on focusing.  They put a harness around our middle - sort of like Scarlet O'Hara in her corset.  The idea is to climb this VERY tall ladder and stand on the platform with an instructor holding on to you while you grab onto the swing with one hand and lean out, bend your knees, and hop!  You hold on with both hands & swing way out & they call out instructions.  Lift legs up & over the bar & then let go with your hands to hang by your knees.  Then swing back & catch the swing with your hands again while getting your legs off the bar.  Then they call, "forward, back, forward" & you let go and grab your knees and fall into the net.  However, I did a back flip which really surprised me and them.  We each got three trys to do this.  This was one of the most exhilarating experiences ever!  I was so afraid that my legs wouldn't hold me while I was hanging upside down.  Luckily, it all went well and it was fabulous to watch each person take their turn and face their fears.  I do have a video & am happy to share it when I see you.  This was one of those experiences (like running a marathon or riding 500-miles on a bike) that remind me that anything is possible!


Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Life at Omega

I've been thinking that some of you may be interested in what life is like here at Omega. I'm in my 4th week here and am finding a much more balanced life than last year. Last year I was so surprised and excited about the many classes that were available to staff, that I went to as many as I could. Consequently, I didn't have a lot of quiet time. This year I am only picking a few classes each week and spending much more time reading in a hammock by the lake. Delightful! Last night after dinner I was reading in a hammock and someone in a hammock near me began playing the guitar - how lovely was that! Each year at this time in the summer, we have a trapeze/circus artist here and the guests come to take his workshop during arts week. Then they put on a circus/trapeze show for the entire staff & guests. It is fabulous and amazing to see how quickly the participants learn. I'm trying to get up my courage to give it a try. We'll see. As many of you know, I am a big fan of Brian Weiss (author of Many Lives, Many Masters) and attended his workshop last year. Well, I'm doing it again and it begins this Friday. I'm curious to see how different the experience will be this time. My Life Skills Workshop this session is Yoga from the inside out and we meet twice a week for two hours each. It's a good workshop and my body needs it. Being here has exposed me to so many different types of yoga and I truly appreciate that. Finally, in closing I want to share a quote I heard from Pir Vilayat Inayat Khan (he was the one who had the original vision for Omega). "If you only knew what the potentials in your being are, you would realize that it is your ignorance of those potentials that limit you."

Saturday, July 7, 2012

My sabbatical continues . . .

This sabbatical began as a one-year journey to do some things I wanted to do before I got too old to do them. But life takes funny turns and I found that I really like being a gypsy. Also, discovered that one 7-week work session at Omega was definitely not enough! Plus I have met so many other people living a similar lifestyle and making it work. If you haven't figured it out yet, I am back at the Omega Institute working in Reception and living in my beautiful new tent (thanks to my wonderful kids)! I arrived here on June 25 and will stay until October 8. I really wanted to see the fall in the Hudson River Valley, plus 7 weeks was way too short last year. This year I drove out so I could bring my bike. It is good to have it here and I have ridden twice. The hills are tough, so it will take awhile to get my strength up to ride longer. We haven't found any bike trails yet that aren't loaded with hills. Coming back to a place you love is always a concern because you know it will be different. I am happy to say that I love it here as much as ever. Maybe even more as now I know my way around and am more comfortable being here. There are many of the same people here, plus a whole batch of new faces. All the people from last year's Reception team have returned and we are so glad to all be working together again. Some of the activities I have done since arriving include canoeing, biking, yoga, gong meditation & comedy improv. Had two movie nights in Rhinebeck - hope everyone has seen, "The Exotic Marigold Hotel". There is something magical about being here. Maybe it's the peace and quiet or the kind friendly staff. We do believe you can feel the spiritual energy that makes you reflect on life. It is amazing to feel so connected to all forms of wild life here. The birds begin their morning chatter about 5:00 a.m. and I call it Omega's snooze alarm because then you know you can sleep for another hour or so. Perhaps it's realizing you need nothing more than a tent, few clothes, and a good book to make you happy. In reading a book in the library I came across this quote from Gandhi, "Live simply that others might simply live".

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Living in France as a vegetarian

I've been asked how I did eating in France as a vegetarian and I found it quite a challenge. First thoughts when going to France is, "I could live on bread, cheese & wine"! Nice idea, but it gets old fast. I still love all those things, but need more. I have discovered that Pizza is a universal language - no matter where you go, they have pizza and it is spelled the same way so no doubt you know what you are getting. Consequently, I ate many marguerita pizzas. With my limited French, I do know most of the French words for meat items, plus I can say, "je suis vegetarienne". They did have fabulous farmer's markets in France and if I had the proper cooking utensils, I could have made some healthy meals. Like everything else in life, we learn as we go so I will be more prepared next time.

Friday, June 1, 2012

My Best Day in Paris!!!

O.K. You're thinking did I go to the Louvre, climb the Eiffel Tower, or fall in love with some amazing Frenchman. Hell no, I went to Roland Garros to see the French Open Tennis Tournament! This is one of those days to be remembered forever! Many many steps involved in the process - like getting an eticket & then finding an Internet cafe to print it. Then figuring out which metro trains get there & then which way to walk after leaving the train. I could only get a grounds ticket, which meant not sitting in the big three stadiums, but waiting in line for one that might have some good matches and it did! What was so cool was feeling as though I was at the United Nations and meeting people from all over this great world. Communicating & becoming friends when you can't even find a common language. There were moments when I would just pinch myself & say, "I'm at the French Open". I've been watching this tournament for years - you can ask Kim, since last year I dragged her to a bar (well I didn't really have to drag her), just to watch Nadal play Federer in the French Open! So, if you are a tennis fan, I would put this on your list of things not to miss. I would come back to Paris just to go to Roland Garros!

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Paris in the springtime!

On Saturday, May 26, I arrived in Paris via train from Annecy for the final leg of my French experience. One of the best things about traveling alone is that each step along the way is a new challenge and it is fun and exciting too when you figure it out. The other great thing is that total strangers reach out to give a helping hand! I'm standing on the street in front of Gare de Lyon (train station) & a French couple heard me say something in English & the husband knows a little English so wanted to help me find my bus. They did & I was so grateful. Truly, it is all about the people you meet along the way! Each day in Paris is a new adventure - I start out with an idea of where I'd like to go and then just wander and hope I can find my way home. This will continue as long as my feet hold up. Oh what I wouldn't give for a tub of ice to stick my feet in. I'm fine as long as it stays sunny because I know I'm heading in the right direction only based on the sun. Some of the things I've noticed living in France these last two months - French people are much quieter than Americans, even on their cell phones. Also, more patient & polite. Just something to think about. The advice I was given when asking where to go in France to try to learn the language was not to go to Paris because too many English speakers here was spot on! Oh, and one last thing for today, when you come to Paris PLEASE do not go to Starbucks! There are many wonderful cafes here to get your coffee and have the French experience. One not to miss is Cafes Verlet on rue Saint-Honore, in the 2nd arrondissement - definitely worth the effort. Oooh la la! It is great fun to be in this amazing city!

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Annecy encore!

Sometimes you have to leave a place to know how much you liked it. So, I left Annecy for Avignon, which I didn't like except for the charming young man at the front desk of my hotel. Then off to Aix en Provence, which does have some charm and Paul Cezanne had to be on to something! It was better than Avignon. Then off to Montpellier, which the travel books like to say has an over abundance of young people and you think, well that's Ok 'cause I like young people. Then you arrive and feel like you were dropped in the middle of the biggest college town in the world. If it hadn't been for finding the very best Italian restaurant in France, it would have been a disaster. So I had two nights in this great restaurant with two of the cutest French waiters, which made for fun evenings! Then I ended my Montpellier experience by being there as they won their very first ligue 1 futbol (soccer) championship! It was fabulous to see! But, all of this travel made me realize I needed to return to Annecy. Found lodging, caught the train & am now spending my last five days before heading to Paris, in Annecy! I was so happy to return even though it was cool & rainy when I got here. This has been wonderful and I will be working hard to figure out how to return in 2013.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Au revoir to Annecy!

Well, I'm sorry for the long lapse in updates. I lost my wifi the first week in Annecy & we couldn't get it resolved. Finally I'm back at it. Of course I am sitting in the lobby of a hotel in Avignon, since that is the only place this hotel provides wifi for their guests. We have a nice little group down here doing emails, etc. Let's go back to Annecy! I really love that town - it is quite an interesting combination of architecture from the original walled old town and now the new apartment & other developments in modern style. This is the perfect city for me with my love of the outdoors & exercise. I've been walk/running around the lake (that is figuratively). Plus just walking up & down the paths to the chateau provide a good workout. As usual, I have found my favorite local hangouts for coffee, lunch, etc. Plus I met a really lovely British couple one day at the grocery store, so I stop by for tea occasionally. Then there are these fabulous buses that make stops at all the towns around the lake, so I do that & explore some other towns, etc. Had a wonderful visit from Greg, Diane, Gavin, Dylan & Kim. It was way too short, but fun seeing them enjoy Annecy like I do. We took a boat ride around the lake, which gave us all a new perspective on everything. The boys seemed to like everything we did, especially swimming in the lake. There are so many fun differences that I notice in life here. The TV stations only come on for specific programming & then they are off. So if you watched tennis one day on channel 14, it doesn't mean that same channel will cover it the next day. And, shows along with most other things, don't run on the hour. Most begin at 20 minutes or 10 minutes before the hour. Great thing is I haven't seen a drug commercial since I've been here. All their food commercials have disclaimers at the bottom of the screen, saying to eat 5 servings of fruit & veggies a day & remember to exercise. You would think that I wrote them! The people in Annecy have been wonderful and very helpful and patient with me trying to speak French. I definitely plan to return some time in the future. But, for now my time is up and I am taking the next two weeks to see what other beautiful sights there are to see. I wasn't planning to come to Avignon, but it just worked out that way. I have been traveling all day, so will give you my take on this town in a few days. I haven't been successful in posting my Annecy photos on my blog, so they are on Facebook.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Bonsoir from France!

Well much has happened since I last updated this blog. Did some amazing hikes in the Tahoe National Forest with my cousin, Bill. Then trained across the country back to Chicago until January when I drove to Florida for the winter. It was wonderful catching up with all my old (and that means "have known a long time") friends. I took a 2-week trip to Costa Rica to visit a friend I met last summer at Omega. Funny how the journey keeps changing with each new adventure.

I returned to Chicago in time to celebrate my grandsons' birthdays (3 and 5). They are growing up so fast, which I'm sure we all realize watching our kids and grandkids.

On April 4, I flew to Paris and took the TGV train to Lyon for my first two days in France. Now I am settled in my little studio apartment in Annecy, France in the French Alps. It is a very beautiful town on Lac d'Annecy with the Alps all around. This is the realization of a dream for me to have the experience of living in France (even if only for two months). I have tried casually learning French for the past few years and now wish I had studied harder. But, that is the idea, to immerse myself in this culture & language and just figure it out.

My only TV stations are French and not many speak English here, so voila! it is up to me. My reading is getting much better. Speaking is still a big challenge for me. I will post some photos on this blog as soon as I figure out how. This is a place not to be missed! Bonne nuit!