Thursday, July 28, 2011

Woodstock & more . . .

Well, I finally made it to Woodstock - 42 years late, but I got there.  You can feel the hippie energy as though it was yesterday.  It is a charming town that I was fortunate to get to visit the other day with a former Omega guest.

But, let's go back . . .the week began with a session on "awakening your authentic soul" with Panache Desai and ended with "yoga nidra" with Yogi Amrit Desai.  Quite powerful experiences!

That led right into my 3-day workshop with Brian Weiss, MD.  I have been a fan for a very long time and have to say that I was thrilled to be part of it.  He led three past-life regressions and several other intuitive exercises.  There isn't enough room here to explain how amazing it was, but if you read, "Many Lives, Many Masters" it will help you to understand what he has learned and shared with his readers.  Then, if you want to know more, read "Same Soul, Many Bodies". 

1 comment:

  1. It sounds fantastic at Omega and that you're having an amazing experience. Wish I was there with you ...
