Wednesday, August 8, 2012

"Face Your Fears & Do It Anyway"

This quote kept running through my mind after I last updated this blog.  I had agreed to speak before the Omega staff at a mandatory meeting about my experience at the Brian Weiss workshop last year.  When I said "yes", it was to be held in a small building on campus and I figured only a few people would attend.  As things go, everything changed  - the meeting was moved to the biggest building on campus and I would be speaking into a microphone and I would go first!!!  I kept trying not to think about it before hand, hah!  Somehow I managed not to faint & luckily had some good friends sitting in the audience so I could focus on them.   I got some positive feedback and was so happy to have conquered that fear.

Following that experience, I was chosen to participate in a trapeze class here on campus.  There is a professional trapeze company who come here every year and hold workshops for a few weeks.  Then to give back to our community, they do a drawing to let some staff members have the opportunity to try out the sport of trapeze.   They have found how amazing the transformations are as people climb the ladder to face their fears and swing through the air.  I had always said I wanted to try it, but was a bit afraid.  Well, here I was again facing my fears!  It was a Tuesday night and I had been the microphone runner for Brian Weiss' workshop all afternoon, which was great because I couldn't think about flying through the air.   After a very light dinner, we all met under the big-top and got our instructions.  My heart was beating so fast, but I just kept on focusing.  They put a harness around our middle - sort of like Scarlet O'Hara in her corset.  The idea is to climb this VERY tall ladder and stand on the platform with an instructor holding on to you while you grab onto the swing with one hand and lean out, bend your knees, and hop!  You hold on with both hands & swing way out & they call out instructions.  Lift legs up & over the bar & then let go with your hands to hang by your knees.  Then swing back & catch the swing with your hands again while getting your legs off the bar.  Then they call, "forward, back, forward" & you let go and grab your knees and fall into the net.  However, I did a back flip which really surprised me and them.  We each got three trys to do this.  This was one of the most exhilarating experiences ever!  I was so afraid that my legs wouldn't hold me while I was hanging upside down.  Luckily, it all went well and it was fabulous to watch each person take their turn and face their fears.  I do have a video & am happy to share it when I see you.  This was one of those experiences (like running a marathon or riding 500-miles on a bike) that remind me that anything is possible!
